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‘Perfect Match’ Episode 5: Recap And Ending: What’s New For Izzy, Francesca, Joey And Kariselle?

How do you find yourself a partner? Well, not gonna ask you to take advice from reality shows, but don’t deprive yourself of enjoying “Perfect Match” season 1 to the fullest, a stellar cast within. The show is streaming on Netflix, with its fifth episode on hand, featuring Nick Lachey as the host, with a total of ten participants from “Love is Blind,” “Too Hot To Handle,” “The Mole,” “Circle,” etc. Inside the tropical heaven, the contestants are challenged with compatibility tests, crazy stunts, and rewards, where the winning couple is embraced with dinner and allowed to fix dates with new singles each day for the less compatible couples around them. This show is getting on our nerves with the passing days, except for Joey Sasso (The Circle) and Kariselle Snow (Sexy Beasts). Let’s dig into the fifth episode to know where the show is leading to.

After winning the fourth challenge of bizarre tasks, Francesca Farago (Too Hot To Handle) and Dom Gabriel (The Mole) got a chance to enjoy a luxurious date; and also another supreme chance to play as the matchmakers. Sharing a very bold connection, both of them plan to send Ines (of The Circle) on a date with Bartise. It seems they are quite concerned for Ines, as she has not yet met the person she deserves to be with. Ines is a confident, smart, intelligent, and classy French woman who craves intense emotional connection. The show is pretty much filled with boys and not with full-grown men—that is why Ines is disadvantaged, you can say. But gameplay gets spiced up when Francesca chooses herself as a guy from the board, one of her old acquaintances, even being serious with Dom. She is not ready to make decisions faster and thus ends up giving herself one more option to delve into. Francesca and Dom, being one of the most dedicated couples until the fourth episode, make an instant decision that shocks the house.

Spoilers Ahead

The Juicy Lucy Dates

The fifth episode of “Perfect Match” starts with two of the pretty ladies’ new dates, while Dom is way too devastated by the sudden change in Francesca’s mind. Everyone is trying to cheer him up while he is sure of the fact that how serious he has been through those days, and if it is not that lady, then probably nobody else. Damian was not expecting Francesca, who seemed very glad to get her right there. They both share a good friendship but haven’t been in touch for so long. They had faced some arguments in “After the Altar” that Damian feels sorry about. Sometimes a great love starts with a sworn friendship; it sounds like that is the case for the “super villain” lady, Francesca. She is equally energetic to have the man around. With a revealing black outfit, the lady is all set for her juicy yoga date with Damian. Eye gazing, touch, stretching, and leaning could intensify the connection between partners to build up a sense of presence, self-esteem, and trust. Francesca appears to be comfortable, talks a lot, and tries to find out his relationship status.

On the other hand, the cutest Ines, in her flared blue blouse with a chuckled smile, looks delighted to meet her date, Bartise, a Dallas fellow who works in finance. It’s an effortless blind date because both of them are friendly and cool with each other. After a brief introduction on the bike ride, it is an eat-drink-flirt kind of date, along with a bottle of champagne and a great sunset view. With giggles, she explains her backstory with Shayne and Nick, claiming herself as a veteran of love—well, she is! Her personality is way too overwhelming to flatter any guy.

The Superstorm Inside Paradise

Inside the house, Georgia Hassarati (Too Hot To Handle), who recently joined the team, has mixed feelings about Chase DeMoor. Georgia, with her trust issues and endless doubts, talks it out with Chase, saying that if Chase is not wholehearted with her, she might not be able to trust the process. Anything could be cured, but not our self-doubts. Dom’s heart is curled and crippled, as he was devoted to Francesca from the beginning. Everyone in the house is too empathetic towards this genuine guy. The night has just begun—Ines and Francesca enter the building with their dates, and a huge round of applause and cheers! Ines looks cheerful, and so does Bartise.

Francesca, with her dubious thoughts, had a not-so-romantic conversation with Dom. She seems sad because it was never her intention to hurt Dom’s feelings. But over everything, she doesn’t want to regret anything, so she puts her choices first by choosing Damian. There are some real tears, emotion, and confrontation, yet Dom’s unrequited love is beaten down. Why did she do this – the same question is lingering not only in your mind but everyone in the villa. Well, according to Francesca, she cannot feel the sexual chemistry with Dom that she is having with Damian.

Love is probably not enough for her; she wants it to be implemented deep inside her flesh. Whereas Ines tries to convince Dom about his love life, Fresesca, and Damian have already teamed up. Georgia feels bad for the man, so she walks straight up to talk to him. She doesn’t want to let him go out of the show and somehow pairs up with Dom -quite strange but no mistrust and distrust, rather an honest decision Georgia took in a while. Bartise only cares about his position and meets Izzy (Too Hot To Handle), a spirited and sparkling 22-year-old lady. Instantly they match up, catching up on each other’s straight-fire vibe.

Ines is left with three options: Nick Uhlenhuth (The Circle), Shayne Jansen (Love Is Blind), and Chase. It was a very hard decision for her to make as she had already shared a bed with Nick and Shayne earlier. But Ines eventually picks Shayne, the man she truly cares for. The willy-willy situation comes to an end by eliminating two important characters from the show: Nick and Chase. A good love plot twist by Francesca, the puppet master, took the show to a different level.

On To The Another Inception

The next day seems to radiate enough for Izzy, Francesca, and, of course, the sloppy couple Joey and Kariselle. Another day, another test of strength, endurance, and heart by Lachey—he asks all the couples to get ready with socks, bands, and gloves. They are all asked to line up from the most to the least compatible couple in the house. The fifth couple is Shayne and Ines; the fourth is Bartise and Izzy; and in the middle are Dom and Georgia, who just got linked up last night.

Now you can guess how self-assured Francesca is since she chose to stand in the second position while Joey and Couple got to the first one. Well, that’s game; the most consistent couple throughout the fifth season is Joey and Kariselle. They are honored with a beach date, where the vulnerable Joey finally proposes to her with a long-lasting commitment. On the other hand, it feels awkward for our strategic Francesca to see her ex with someone else like she cannot open up fully for the rest of the day. The winners got to invite two new singles again, one for Dom and the other for Shayne. In the next episode, two more new stars will join the cast: Chloe Veitch (Too Hot To Handle, The Circle) and Colony Reeves (Selling Tampa), with a lot more fun, drama, hard feelings, and love.

It is not really possible to get an unblemished match, but the dating show is rather an intervention for them to introspect and reconsider their choices to develop the most beautiful bonds with whomever they do link up with.


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