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‘Spencer Sister’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 5: From Paycheck To Wreck

After the fourth episode of “Spencer Sister,” it is confirmed that the mother-daughter duo is totally inclined to their oozing agency. They had already shown their superb skills in solving cases. But along with the job, the most important thing that has to be noticed is the bond between Darby and Victoria. Relationships are like making a dish to perfection; no matter how you weigh all the ingredients to mix together, all it demands is your time, effort, and patience. Darby hasn’t had a very strong connection with her mother since childhood, but this show will portray how she gets over her mixed feelings with time. The fifth episode is titled “The Decorator’s Debacle,” which will help another hidden truth come out with the masterstroke by the duo.

Spoilers Ahead

Another Trial In The Making

The episode starts with chaos and confusion. Darby returns from a morning walk and finds her mother, Victoria, talking on the phone about something confidential. She sneaks a peek into Victoria’s laptop, where she finds a skeptical write-up. It again makes her question the motherly love she was deprived of for years. The very next morning, Victoria takes Darby to an auction program organized in Alter Woods. Rory Eisner (Seán Cullen), one of the closest friends of Victoria, is also present there. Moira (Tova Epp) introduces the invitees to the unique items that are up for negotiation. In the meantime, Darby again crosses the path of her ex, Lucas, and his fiancee, Lindsay, who is also present there to buy extraordinary decor for their wedding. Darby clicks some pictures of Lucas and Lindsay with a heavy heart, probably. The auction starts by bidding for an Egyptian black cat sculpture. Starting with 450 dollars, Rory bids on the auction with the highest amount against a man and a woman wearing black goggles. It sounds silly how Rory spent $3,000 just for an ancient cat model, but who knew he had to pay more for what he owns now?

‘Out Of The Blue’ Clue

Victoria receives a call from Rory, who is screaming out loud. Rory was attacked by a person in disguise while he was driving back to his house with the sculpture. Soon Victoria and Darby reach the location where they get to see Detective Jeremy Harris taking over the case of Rory. Victoria tells the officer that she can take care of things, and Rory also agrees to the fact as he is already aware of the ‘Spencer Sisters’ accomplishments. Rory describes how he was being thrashed aggressively by someone who was fully covered by a mask. Quickly, Darby and Victoria ask him about all his enemies, but Rory thinks that it could be the man from the auction who lost the bid against him. They run to the man but don’t get any clues that could lead the case further. By now, the duo was curious about the woman who had been in the auction but left it as soon as Rory won. They try to contact the auction team for details, but due to privacy concerns, they auction but didn’t disclose the identity of the buyers. Whatever happens, one cannot conceal herself from the eyes of a detective, especially when it is Darby and her mother. Soon, Darby bumps into Lindsay’s social media posts. She finds out that the photos she took of Lindsay and Lucas were actually photobombed by the same woman they are looking for. Darby fixes a meet-up with Lindsay to ask for the photos. Lindsay also shares a few of her insecurities, as she feels like Lucas is more influenced by Darby, but Darby ignores all of it like a mature woman. Now the only mission the Spencer sisters have is to figure out the false appearance of the woman. From some authentic source, they get to know the name of the woman along with the address. But when they went to visit her, it was just a meadow, not a mansion. She camouflaged herself in a certain manner without leaving any clues behind—but why?

The Poisonous Auction

Darby and Victoria came to know that the woman is working for a nursing center. They again contact Moira, who informs them that the real name of the woman is Carmella. Carmella was disqualified from her job as she had a habit of stealing things. But no one gets to find out the actual address of Carmella, which might have been a great help for our private investigators. In a few days, Rory receives a message where a woman threatens him to bring her back the Egyptian cat. But is it just a model or more than that? Darby breaks the cat figure and finds a recorder inside. Well, now it is very clear why exactly Carmella was running behind Rory. They discover that Moira is poisoning her mother with deadly medicine. Carmella came to know the truth, but Moira dismissed her from the job to play it safe. Victoria and Rory visit Moira to buy a few more antique elements from her collection, while Darby and Lucas secretly get inside the big mansion to recover Moira’s mother. Lucas puts in some medicines to bring the old lady back from her delusions.

Moira was caught red-handed by the Spencer sisters. She had a dysfunctional relationship with her mother, but eventually, she got trapped in her own wicked scheme. With this, the case comes to an end when Darby thanks Lucas for his help. She wishes him good luck for his future, but the spark they both have for each other is as clear as a silver bell. It might not be ideal for Darby, but she accepted to give the career a chance with her mother. The episode gets finished off—not with a very happy ending, but definitely a great achievement for ‘The Spencer Sisters’ to save Moira’s mother from her deathbed. Still, there are a few questions that are left to be answered, and they are about Darby and Lucas! Should the fans dream of a future of Darby and Lucas sharing a home together by the end? Will Victoria ever understand Darby’s feelings, or will she just go with the flow that has no horizon to touch?


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