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Reasons To Be Excited About The Upcoming ‘Wonder Woman’ Game

It’s been more than a year since Monolith Studios and Warner Bros. Games announced a “Wonder Woman” game all the way back during the Game Awards 2021. There was no gameplay shown and no information released for the game; all we got was a 40-second teaser showing the character model for Diana Prince, aka Wonder Woman, and the logo for the game. This alone is a big deal because superhero games are perhaps some of the best games we get to play as they let us control our favorite heroes, and we get to be in the driving seat and control all of the action. On top of that, a Wonder Woman game is something that we know is going to be awesome and don’t need any reassurances as the character in question here is just plain badass and adored by everyone. Plus, this game can become a runway of sorts for a Superman game, something we have never seen, and rightfully so, making a Superman game would be incredibly hard indeed. Finally, DC’s gaming division has been on fire since the “Arkham” games popped off. They have delivered one of the best superhero games ever made in the form of the “Arkham” trilogy, where each game is better than the last, and the reviews for all of them are available on our site here.

We also recently got “Gotham Knights” from them, which may not be as good as “Arkham,” but it is a game that you should check out as it’s very fun. We also have a review for “Gotham Knights” here on our site, so feel free to check that one out. Warner Bros. and DC also have “Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League” in the pipeline, and it’s being made by none other than Rocksteady, so that’s something to look forward to. Whether you like DC properties or not, you must admit that they have been killing it in the gaming department these days, and I’ll take a superhero game for any character, any time of the day. 

Enough getting off-topic; let’s focus on the game at hand. Let’s focus on “Wonder Woman.” What is it? Well, we know, and we don’t. It’s been over a year since the game was announced, and all we know about it is that it’ll be a third-person open-world action RPG featuring an original narrative and that it is being made by Monolith. That’s it. Then if that’s the extent of the information, then why am I writing this article? You may be wondering. The answer to that question is simple. Sure, we don’t know much about the game, but that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate about it! That’s what it’ll be this time. Pure speculation. We’ll update it when the time comes, and we get more information about it, but until then, let’s discuss some of the possibilities for this game. Let’s figure out and note down some of the reasons to be excited about a “Wonder Woman” game.

The Character

Wonder Woman, as a character, was created by Charles Moulton and Harry G. Peter all the way back in December 1941. She can be considered to be the first female superhero ever made, and everything from her appearance to her powers to her backstory was solid from the beginning. Sharing a resemblance with the Superman costume when it came to her original costume’s color palette, even today, she can be seen sporting red and blue at times, with striking gold added into the mix. Princess Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Hippolyta and Zeus, Diana is a demi-goddess and the princess of the Amazons, a race of warrior women who stay hidden from the eyes of the world on an island called Themyscira.

Over the course of the comic books, Wonder Woman has seen multiple iterations and power-ups, but her tenacity, naivety, compassion, grace, poise, inspiring demeanor, and backstory/origin story have remained the same. She is adored by her fans and respected by the superhero community as a whole. Being an immortal goddess, she has a huge list of powers and can easily go toe to toe with the likes of Superman. She is a badass. 

It’ll be interesting to see what iteration of the character they take inspiration from and use it in the game and what kind of powers they give her. She has always been a force of nature and has never been treated as a damsel in distress to be saved by her male peers. She is always seen and treated as an equal member of the team. So, if Monolith Studios can depict her character by using all the right things while also adding their own obvious touches, they will easily win half the battle. Wonder Woman is a respected and loved character, and I am sure the studio will treat her as such and respect the source material to make a version of her that we’ll remember for years to come. How can I be sure of that? Because they did the same and respected the source material that was The Lord of the Rings for their “Middle Earth” game series.

The Setting And Story

Enough about the character; let’s talk about the game itself, as this is where things get interesting. We know next to nothing about it, and that’s what makes speculating about it even more fun. The first thing that comes to mind here is, will she be the same as the one we saw in “Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League”? It’s very hard to say yes, but no one can say no unless it’s absolutely confirmed. The Arkhamverse is going strong, and it’d be nice if DC built a universe of games so we could see the characters and their fates and battles in a manner that flowed well so we could understand and grow attached to them over the years. So, it could be a possibility that the Diana we see here is the same as the one we’ll meet in “Suicide Squad.” She doesn’t age at all.

Will this be an origin story that gives us a fresh and inexperienced Diana Prince, or will it be a version far into her career as Wonder Woman that gives us a more experienced, hardened, and refined version of her?

Another thing to wonder (no pun intended) about is the time period in which this game will take place. We have seen Wonder Woman fight across different eras of time, from WW1 and WW2 all the way up to the modern day and everything that came before and after that. Where will Monolith take us? Back to the World War, maybe? That’d be nice, as that setting fits her character perfectly, but that will fit better in a more linear game. How about modern-day, then? That works, too, and will be perfect for open-world shenanigans, but it’ll also become more generic and less unique. The setting will influence us a lot about the game, from the enemies we’ll be fighting to the area we’ll be exploring, so, in a way, the time period here will act as the main character.

As for the story itself, it’ll obviously be influenced by the setting, but it’s cool that Monolith is doing an original take and not reusing or retelling an already-told tale from the comics or movies. A lot will ride on how good the story and setting for this game are, and I am sure Monolith is aware of that, so it’ll be interesting to see their take on this beloved character of ours.

The World And Gameplay

The world we’ll explore will also have a huge impact, obviously. Monolith has confirmed that this game will be open-world, but what will we be exploring here? Themyscira is pretty much a guarantee, and I feel like that will act as a hub world of sorts with a few secrets to find, upgrades to unlock, training to learn new moves, and bonding with fellow Amazonians. 

Now, as for the cityscape we’ll be exploring, there are a few options on the table. Wonder Woman in the comics frequented Gateway City, which is DC’s fictional version of San Francisco, as she doesn’t have a city tied to her name like Superman has Metropolis and Batman has Gotham. Gateway City was her go-to spot in most cases, but at the same time, she also frequented Metropolis, New York City, and Boston a lot as well. Depending on the time period this game takes place in, we can potentially encounter other superheroes as well, and whether the setting is modern or not, getting to explore large areas such as Wonder Woman will be fun regardless.

As for the gameplay part, this can get very interesting. Super strength and the use of the four main tools in her arsenal—her lasso, shield, sword, and arm bracers are a given, I am sure. If this will be an origin story of sorts, then maybe we’ll have to progress and earn these tools one by one, and the players will learn to use them alongside Diana; that’d be cool as well. She also has super speed and the ability to fly, so will those factors factor in here somehow? With so many powerful powers under her belt, it’d be interesting to see what sort of enemies we’ll be facing, as normal human enemies don’t stand a chance in front of her. How will boss battles factor in? I am sure at least Cheetah will make an appearance here, as she is Diana’s arch nemesis. The gameplay here needs to be fast, responsive, and tight while also letting us feel the power behind every strike, and Monolith can do that because their previous games checked almost all of these boxes.

Monolith also confirmed that the Nemesis system would return here in some capacity, which has already piqued my interest even more. There are a ton of possibilities when it comes to the gameplay front of this game, as they can opt for the tried and tested freeflow system or come up with a new one. The powers on display are bound to be awesome, and I am sure there’ll be some stat and loot systems in place since this game is cited as an RPG. Soon, we’ll have our answers.

Monolith Studios

Let’s take a moment and appreciate Monolith Studios. If you have played “Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor” and “Middle Earth: Shadow of War,” then you know how incredible, brutal, and fun those games are. These guys can handle sword combat very well, as they showed in those games, and they can also make believable worlds rich in detail, so it’s safe to assume that “Wonder Woman” is in the right hands. It’s weird to see them ending their old games with a duology and not stretching it to a trilogy, as that’s the norm, but hey! If I am to get more superhero games as a result, then I can’t complain. Monolith Studios has delivered a well-refined game with cutting-edge visuals boasting impressive technologies in the past, and the developers at the studio are incredibly talented and passionate, so if anyone has any doubts in their minds as to how this game will be handled, fret not; it’s in the best possible hands.

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to give me reasons to be excited about a “Wonder Woman” game; I’ll take that any time of the day. Truth be told, I’ll take any superhero game at any time of the day. The reason this game came to my head and I wanted to talk about it was because it’s been over a year since its announcement, and I was expecting to see more at The Game Awards 2022, but we got nothing. I want to see this game in action and play it with my own hands as soon as I can, but my impatience won’t make the development cycle any faster. A Wonder Woman game will be the first of its kind when this one comes out, and I am happy that we are getting a game about an extremely overpowered superhero. As I mentioned in the beginning, this game may pave the path for a Superman game, and I am sure everybody and their grandmothers want that at this point. Wonder Woman is awesome, and Monolith Studios is awesome; this pairing will yield wonderful results sometime in the future, I am sure of that much. So, when will this game come out, and on what platforms? We have no idea, but I think it’s safe to bet that it’ll release on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC, and we’ll more than likely learn more about it in 2023 and maybe get a 2024 release date. DC has been killing it with their games; as I mentioned, we got “Gotham Knights” this year, we’ll have “Suicide Squad” next year, and hopefully “Wonder Woman” the year after that. There are a ton of small-scale DC games sprinkled in between as well, like the adorable-looking “Justice League Cosmic Chaos,” and it’ll be interesting to see the next AAA project or projects that DC will more than likely announce during DC Fandome 2023 or during any other event throughout the year. I hope you guys are as excited to play “Wonder Woman” as I am, and I’ll make sure to keep you guys updated on this one as I learn more about it. 

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Kartik Sharma
Kartik Sharma
Kartik is sometimes a freelance content writer and an actor. He loves spending his time reading books, playing videogames, dabbling in music, exploring different cultures and languages, etc. loves everything that is art and loves to explore new horizons.


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